The committee organises various social and fundraising events in aid of both the village hall and playing field, as well as joint events with St Lawrence Church.
The 2024 Village Hall AGM took place on Tuesday 12th March.The 2025 AGM will be held on March11th.
The committee consists of four elected officers, representatives of hall user-groups, and additional elected members.
Village Hall Committee 2024-5
Role | Name | Phone |
Chair |
George Chancellor |
507675 |
Vice Chair |
Sue Parsons |
505888 |
Secretary |
Sarah Bradley |
07970 870410 |
Treasurer |
Brian Churm |
07882 483969 |
Parish Council |
Louise Pennells |
501342 |
Amateur Radio |
Martin Tromans |
503516 |
W.I. |
Lilias Coutts |
100 Club |
Roy Parsons |
505888 |
Heather Cooke |
Bowls |
Jennifer Espley |
Lunch Club |
Carol White |
Elected |
Dave Turvey |
Elected |
Jenny Fletcher |
503945 |
Elected |
Lena Churm |
Elected |
Sharon Pickering |
Elected |
Valerie Walton |
Elected |
Laurie Rose |
503331 |